Sunday, April 13, 2014

Palm Sunday (Cycle A)

The Palm and the Cross
Isaiah 5:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Matthew 26:14- 27:66 

The journey into Jerusalem began with the glorious spectacle of waving palms and adoring crowds. As Jesus entered the holy city, some people ran ahead, alerting friends and neighbors, while others threw their cloaks upon the road, crying, “Blessed is the King! “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” At that triumphant moment, there was nothing the crowd would have denied him. Nothing they would begrudge him. Nothing they would have withheld. Power . . . Riches . . . A throne . . . It was all within his grasp.

Or so it seemed.

But the rowdy crowd was as eager to “get” as to give. They were hungry — hungry for whatever Jesus could give them. Some were hungry for political status, and waved their palms for a King who would restore the Jewish state. Some were starving for power, and threw their cloaks before a Warrior who would crush the Roman army. Some were hungry for comfort, and shouted for a Hero who could fill their bellies and dry their tears. The crowd was hungry and it was all within their grasp…or so it seemed.

But God had a different plan. You see, this warrior, this ruler, this king rode into Jerusalem on a humble donkey, not a pure-bred stallion. He wore homespun, not polished armor. He spoke about sin and redemption, not national sovereignty or imperial might.

The jubilant crowd that lined the road to Jerusalem knew they were seeing a “winner”, but they completely misunderstood God’s vision of success. They didn’t realize that Jesus had come to conquer not just Rome, but the world. They didn’t understand that Jesus came to the holy city, not to deal death or to sidestep death, but to meet death head-on. He would conquer the world and death itself…by dying. The crowds that ripped branches from trees and screamed with excitement, didn’t understand that their hunger would be eased and their emptiness filled, not by conquest or power or wealth, but by the challenge of the cross.

No scripture study or theology class can explain the cross completely. No homily or lecture fully outlines its meaning. Yet, all of us who follow Jesus will eventually find ourselves walking that dusty, lonely path to Calvary, and standing before the cross.

Jesus said, “whoever wishes to come after me must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow me.” From a marketing standpoint, this message is a disaster. Just imagine how many followers Jesus might have if he had avoided the cross — if he said:
“Lay down your cross and follow me.”
“Ignore your burdens and I will make them disappear.”
“I will not suffer, and if you believe in me, you will never suffer, either.”
That’s a message designed to keep the palm branches waving!

But the cross teaches us that suffering can be redemptive, that burdens can be shared, that sins can be forgiven, and that darkness can be dispelled, transformed by the power of a loving God. The cross dares us to believe that life is more powerful than death and that love is more enduring than hate. It stands as a reminder that our views of “success” and “defeat” might differ from God’s, and that sometimes, God has a different plan.

This week, we too have come to the city gate, palm branches waving, agendas in hand, our want lists ready. As we welcome the King into Jerusalem, what are we hungering for?