How do you judge the success of a school? Through the academic achievement of it's students? Through awards they receive? Through the values of good ethics and good citizenship that the administration and faculty imbue in its student? Yes to all of the above. But for a Catholic school, there is one aspect that an award ceremony, a report card or a diploma can't measure. And that is faith. But how is that intangible to be measured?
In February, on the Tuesdays and Thursdays that I spent with the Eighth Grade students of St. Therese School, we discussed the Beatitudes, the eight virtues that Jesus tells us we are truly blessed if we possess, the virtues of citizenship in the Kingdom of God, the virtues that probably were most evident in Jesus’ own personality. I gave them an assignment. They had to compose five Beatitudes of their own. Below are the twenty-eight Beatitudes of St. Therese’s Graduating Class of 2014, one from each of our Graduates. I think through them, we will be able to judge that which a test could not – the profound and admirable faith of these students.
of the 2014 Graduating Class of St. Therese School
Blessed are the loyal, for they will be shown faithfulness.
Blessed are you when you try your best, for you will do better.
Blessed are the generous, for they will receive much.
Blessed are the worrisome, for they are instilled with reliance on God.
Blessed are those who don’t feel uncertain to share their feelings, for they will never be afraid to share the truth.
Blessed are those who are prayerful, for their relationship with God shall grow.
Blessed are they who are scared and seek God, for they will no longer know the meaning of fear.
Blessed are they with heavy hearts; they shall find comfort in the arms of the Lord.
Blessed are the sad on earth, for they will eternally be happy in heaven.
Blessed are the considerate, for God will consider them.
Blessed are those who go to church, for they shall feel the never-ending love of God in their lives.
Blessed are those who are blinded by faith, for their eyes will be open.
Blessed are they who sacrifice for others, their reward will be in heaven.
Blessed are the lonely, for they shall be surrounded by friends and loved ones.
Blessed are the givers, for they will be given Heaven.
Blessed are those who forgive, knowing everyone makes mistakes including themselves, for they will seek and find and delight in the good qualities of the people around them.
Blessed are those who strive for holiness, for they shall be welcomed into heaven.
Blessed are those that show people the path for good, for they will be great leaders.
Blessed are the poor, for they teach us to be thankful for what we have in our lives.
Blessed are the lost, for they shall be led by God.
Blessed are those who are drawn from the crowd, for they are one in a million with God.
Blessed are they who give a little bit of time to God every day, for God will bless them with an eternity with him.
Blessed are those who love others, for they shall receive ten times more love.
Blessed are those who recognize God in each of us, for they will receive God’s love.
Blessed are the forgiving, for they know that no one is perfect except for God.
Blessed are the honest, for they will see through lies in Heaven.
Blessed are those who have lost a loved one, for they will be comforted and watched by a guardian angel sent by God.
And blessed is the entire world, for one day they will see into their hearts that war shall be replaced with peace.
Heavenly Father, bless these beautiful young people that that we and YOU delight in. We give thanks tonight for their achievements, their academic success, the talents they possess, the ways in which they have used the gifts that you have given them to make our school and our lives better, richer and more beautiful. May they continue to glorify you as they move on to the future and continue the quest to become the people that you call them to be. May they always strive to live out the Commandments you have given us, emulate the way of life that your son Jesus lived for us, and be faithful to the Beatitudes that they themselves say they are truly blessed if they possess. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.