Sunday, May 15, 2016

Pentecost Sunday (Cycle ABC)

Empowered & Sent
Acts 2:1-11; Romans 8:8-17; John 20:19-23 
On July 4, 1776, the members of the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia signed the Declaration of Independence. With this action, the American Revolution was launched and a new nation was born. It’s ironic that on that very day George III, King of England, made this entry in his diary: "Nothing of any importance happened today." 

On the day of Pentecost, in the year A.D. 33, 120 followers of a man named Jesus were gathered together in Jerusalem. Suddenly the Spirit of God filled each one of them and marked them with tongues of fire. On that day the Church was born. But no historian of the time saw anything significant in that event. Perhaps they, and maybe even some of us, might echo what the King said on the day the Declaration of Independence was signed, "nothing of any importance happened today." But in actuality, what we celebrate today is so critical for the life of the church, for your life and mine.

Those 120 disciples gathered in that room in Jerusalem were just a handful of rather ordinary men and women, a few fishermen, a couple of housewives, a former tax collector, a few farmers and some servant girls. Yet through these ordinary people God built a Church which has lasted now for over 2,000 years. In less than 300 years, that small, insignificant Jewish sect became the official religion of the entire Roman Empire and today the Church of Jesus Christ circles the globe and numbers some one billion members. 

What was it that was going through their minds as they gathered in the house? It had been only ten days since Jesus had ascended to his Father, but when you're waiting for something, ten days is a long time. All of a sudden, a strong wind hits, shaking the house to its base, and moving into their hearts to the depths. No longer fearful of the enemies of Jesus, no longer timid about how to speak or what to say, no longer concerned about what others might think of them, the disciples go forth with a power not of their own making, and do what fifty days ago seemed like nothing more than a dashed dream. They announce that God has indeed visited His people, and now remains with us through the action of the Holy Spirit. They announce that death no longer reigns supreme, and sin has no power to shackle people in slavery. They go forth to transform every human heart and mind. They go forth to invite everyone, Jew or Gentile, to drink of the one Spirit so that all may be one family in Christ.

What happened to those 120 followers in the year 33 A.D.? Those 120 followers received the Holy Spirit, the “Paraclette,” the “Counselor”, the “Advocate” - the same presence that was moving over the face of the earth when God created the world, the same presence that took the form of a baby born in a manager in Bethlehem, the same spirit of God that walked the earth for 33 years, teaching, healing, proclaiming the love of God for all people.

And today, it is that same spirit that is with us. It is God's spirit alive and well on this earth, working through his people. It is the one who calls, gathers, enlightens, sanctifies and empowers the Church to bring his love into the brokenness of the world. Today we are gathered in one place, as diverse a group as the disciples in that upper room, bringing with us our own challenges, fears and joys. And the same Spirit still acts in that same dramatic and profound way as he did on that first Pentecost morning. 

The Holy Spirit still breathes upon us. The Holy Spirit is here revamping and rearranging our lives, just as Jesus promised, inspiring us to do what we cannot do on our own—taking risks we thought we didn’t have the courage to take; speaking up when we couldn't find the right words to say; stepping forward to minister and help convinced our gifts were inadequate and our capabilities insufficient; reaching out to help when it would be so much easier just to take care of our own problems; trusting that if we turn it over to the Holy Spirit that we’ll get what we need and what we’re asking for.

Sometime today, because of Pentecost, because of the flame that has settled over each of us, every person in this room will be called upon to exercise divine power. Every one of us will be called upon, in our own way, to bring the power of the Holy Spirit to bear upon the task of building and nurturing the people of God. When that happens, it may not be very dramatic. Almost surely it will not be. It may not seem at all miraculous, but most surely it will be. It will be God's work, and if we do not do it, it will be God's work left undone.

We may be given the chance to calm someone’s fears. We may be given the chance to clear up someone’s doubt or misunderstanding. We may be given the insight that someone around us is in trouble, needs an ear. We may be given the chance to reassure someone in whatever his or her own role in life may be. We may be given the chance to laugh, to help make someone else’s experience of life more pleasant, more enjoyable. 

A thousand and one opportunities will be given today, and tomorrow, every day, to further the growth of God’s people, in their search of faith, of truth, of peace, of beauty, of joy. Those are the marks of the Holy Spirit. Those are the signs of His power. 

Today, on the rush of the wind of the Holy Spirit, we Christians are energized and empowered as we reach the climax of our special celebration of Christ’s resurrection. It’s Pentecost, the day God gives us the wind of the Spirit in our sails and also the fire of the Spirit in our hearts—the fire of divine presence—to proclaim and serve the Risen Christ! For on Pentecost, amidst wind and tumbling tongues of fire, the Church, as the people of Christ, was born and continues regularly to be reborn! Through Baptism and Confirmation, the Spirit lives in your LIFE, the Spirit lives in your WORK, in your MISSION. You have GIFTS -- In fact, you ARE gifts! -- Your very LIFE is God's gift! Even when you do not know what to do with your life. (And even when nobody else knows what to do with YOU!) You are God's gift. You have CALLINGS, REASONS FOR BEING, for being just EXACTLY the person you are! You have a DIFFERENCE to make -- a CONTRIBUTION to add to the good of the whole. We have been chosen by God, filled by Him with a holy fire, and sealed with a sacred mission. We are a creature of great power and dignity! 

Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest,
And in our hearts take up Thy rest;
Come with Thy grace and heav'nly aid,
To fill the hearts which Thou hast made;
To fill the hearts which Thou hast made.