Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Seventh Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

Acts 1: 12-14; 1 Peter 4:13-16; John 17: 1-11a 

Last words. 

Last words are important to us. They fascinate us; they’re things we can take to heart, things we consider worth remembering. We always want to get the last word in, don’t we? Getting the last word in can be petty, but oh so satisfying. To us it means that we won, we were right, what we said will be remembered and will be acted upon.

Last words are important words . . . 

In a court of law deathbed statements, even though they are unsworn and the person no longer present to validate them, are admissible as evidence. And in the arena of our lives what we last said to someone before they leave us, and in turn what they may have said to us, are very often the occasion of much joy and encouragement - and sometimes, unfortunately, of much regret and remorse.

We normally take very seriously the last words that our loved ones have uttered to us; we turn those words over in our minds; we consider them carefully; we store them up in our hearts and ponder them - much as Mary stored up the words of the angel and of the shepherds and of the magi in her heart after her encounters with them. 

We attach significance to a person’s last words, especially if that person has lived a notable life. Last words spoken as death approaches often afford a final insight into the essence of a person’s life: what was important to him or her. Sometimes those last words can inspire us to emulate whatever was great or heroic in that person. 

Last words are important words.

In today’s Gospel, the start of the seventeen chapter of John, we hear some of the last words Jesus would speak before his death on Golgatha. They express the essence of Jesus’ life. His life, as we know it from the gospels, was lived in union with God the Father. His last words reflect that same union, for they are a high priestly prayer, a kind of intimate family conversation. So today’s Gospel is a very difficult one to preach on. Why? Because we’re not hearing Jesus proclaim his profound, life-changing teachings. We’re not witnessing his compassionate heart as he brings healing to sick people and food to the hungry. We’re not experiencing his power revealed in raising the dead. His words aren’t even addressed to us but to his Father. It is as if we’re eavesdropping on Jesus. Here, rather, we are allowed to glimpse into Jesus' very soul. We hear Jesus in prayer. We never get any closer to someone than when we know about their prayer life. So it is not overstating anything to say that when we come to this chapter, we are entering holy ground and we should come in a spirit of reverence and humility..

And so, today’s Gospel is not so much one to be proclaimed, broken open, dissected and analyzed as it is to be listened to reverently, to be meditated on and internalized. So rather than commenting on what Jesus says, maybe it would be more beneficial for us to observe what he does and how he does it. He prays. So what are the lessons we can take from today’s gospel? I’d like to suggest three:
  • You Can Pray Aytime:  In the gospels, Jesus prays -- in the morning, in the evening, in the middle of the night. On a mountain, on the plain, when it’s dark and when it’s light. Inside, outside, alone or with friends. In thanksgiving, in distress, and toward all kinds of ends. He prays frequently and fervently. He prays even now, knowing full well what the next day will bring. He forgoes the opportunity for a last minute cram session of his most important teachings with his Apostles and instead, he prays. The point being: prayer isn’t only for church, or for mealtime, or for before bed. You can pray anytime, anywhere, for any reason … and God is always eager to listen. Driving your car to work or the kids home from school. While brushing your teeth in the morning or your hair at night. While doing errands or playing golf. Before a meeting for work or with friends. You can pray anytime. Sounds simple enough, of course, and it is. But that’s part of what many of us are missing in our prayer lives - the sense that prayer wasn’t intended to be extraordinary, saved for certain places or times or reserved only for really important moments. Prayer was meant to be ordinary, part of the fabric of our daily lives. 
  • Prayer Is About What’s On Your Mind and In Your Heart:  Again, so simple. And, again, so easy to forget. When you read Jesus’ prayer in John, it’s easy to get a bit hung up on all the highly relational language of “mine” and “yours” and “they are in me as I am in you” and all the rest. But all of that language simply signifies the tremendous intimacy Jesus shares with the Father and that he is inviting his disciples (and us) into. Beyond that, this prayer is simply Jesus sharing what is most deeply in his heart at the moment -- that he is coming to the end of his earthly mission, that God would see him through to the end, and that God would take care of his friends now that he has to leave them behind. “What should I pray about?” some of you may at times wonder. The answer is easy: whatever you’re worried about, or thankful for, or need support with. In short, whatever is on your mind or in your heart. 
  • We Never Pray Alone:  If you read a little bit beyond the point where today’s Gospel ends - to verse 20 - we hear Jesus say, “And I ask not only on behalf of these” -- that is, his disciples -- “but also on behalf of all those who believe on their account” – that’s all Christians since then . . . including us! When we pray -- whenever we pray -- we do not pray alone but know that Jesus is praying with us and for us. At the Last Supper Jesus prayed for us.  He interceded to his Father on our behalf.  He still does. 
Earlier in the gospels, we know that when the Apostles approached Jesus and asked him to teach them to pray, he responded, “When you pray, say: Our Father, who art in heaven . . .” In a way, Jesus is saying, “When you pray, do as I say.” In today’s passage, it is as if Jesus is saying, “When you pray, do as I do.” So no, today John doesn’t recall any profound teachings of Jesus for us to break open, dissect or analyze. Maybe John intended that today’s passage be a late turning point in his Gospel. Just maybe, starting with this prayer of Jesus and continuing on through the accounts of Jesus; death and resurrection, John wants to get across to us that Jesus was truly the Master Teacher. That words were no necessary. That sometimes the greatest lessons aren’t heard, they’re observed. Maybe as Jesus’ disciples, we need to listen just as much, but watch even more.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Homily for First Communion

May 20, 1017 

Some things are so important to your life, you just never forget.

Good morning boys and girls. It’s been a few years since I was your age and in second grade, so let me ask you a question – do you still study vocabulary in school? I liked vocabulary when I was in school – learning to spell new words that I didn’t know and learning to define them. To define something is “to state the exact meaning of something.” Or it can also mean “to describe the basic qualities of something.” In other words, to define something is to identify what something is, but also what made it the way it is. 

Things are not the only thing we define. Sometimes we can define a person. We can even define ourselves. When we define things, we try to discover the precise words to identify what that thing is. When we define a person, we try to discover the qualities that make that person who he or she is, but also the events in that person’s life that were so important, they helped them to become the person that they are. These events are called “defining moments” - moments in our life that change us -- move us -- define who and what we are about. Life has many defining moments: graduation from school, the place where we grow up, the experience of falling in love or being rejected, seeing a loved ones pass away, fighting illnesses, memorable trips, finding success, experiencing failure. But there will usually be one major defining moment that sets the pace of our life or that changes who we are or what we are doing. That defining moments have power – it can make us or they can break us. It can build us up to become a better person, or it can hurt us and diminish who we are. 

Boys and girls, today is a defining moment in your lives. It is a day in your life that you will always remember! Why? Is it because of the beautiful dress or suit you’re wearing? Is it because of all the attention that your family and friends are giving you today? Is it because of the gifts you will receive or the party that you will have? No. It’s because today is a defining moment in your life. If you allow it, today will change you. It SHOULD change you! You should be a different person when you leave the church this afternoon than when you woke up this morning. Why? Because today you received the Body and Blood of Jesus! Today, you sit at the table of the Last Supper with Jesus and the Apostles. But it isn’t a “last supper” because Jesus invites you to feast on this meal, to feast on HIM, to receive his Body and Blood every Sunday, or even every day if you want to! Today, you and He have become ONE! Today, Jesus is not just physically present in the tabernacle of our church – YOU have become a tabernacle! Jesus is present in YOU! 

Today Jesus demonstrates how much he loves you. Were you paying attention when I read the Gospel a few minutes ago. Today’s Gospel is different from most gospels that we read or hear. Because in today’s Gospel, Jesus gets ANGRY! He gets angry at the Apostles because they want to chase away the boys and girls who are trying to get near to him. And Jesus tells the Apostles, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them! It is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs!” Did you hear that? Jesus wants you near to him! Jesus wants to be near to YOU! And today, he shows you just how close he wants to be to you. Because, when you receive Communion today and EVERY time you receive communion, Jesus is closer to you than the person who is sitting on your right or on your left. Jesus is closer to you than your Grandma or Grandpa when they squeeze you tight with a hug. Today you and Jesus become ONE, because Jesus will be within you – within your body, within your heart, within your mind, within your soul! WOW!!! 

But . . . will you allow him to remain there? Will you come back to this church tomorrow and next Sunday, and all the Sundays after that to receive him again? Will you try to know him and love him more each day by listening to his Word and following his example? Will you try to become better friends with Jesus by praying every day? Will you try to love HIM more by loving your mommy and your daddy, your brother and your sister, your friends, and even your enemies more? 

Boys and girls, today is the day of your First Holy Communion, but today should be just the beginning. It should be the day you remember all your life as the day Jesus showed you how much he loves you. Often times when we love someone, we give them a gift to show just how much we love them. Today, Jesus gives YOU a gift. It is a far greater gift than any other present you will unwrap today – Because the gift that HE gives is the gift of himself - all of him . . . nothing held back. It is a present giftwrapped in simple bread and common wine. The gift of his BODY. The Gift of His BLOOD. The gift of his SOUL. The gift of his DIVINITY. It is the gift of his LOVE. I know that when someone shows ME how much they love me, that motivates and inspires me to want to show how much I love THEM. I know when someone gives me a gift, it makes me want to give them a gift too. He’s given himself to you. Will you give yourself to him? It is the only gift that he wants. It is the only gift worth giving. 

Every day I pray this pray to remind myself to try to do that: 

Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated Lord to thee.
Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice, and let it sing
Always , only for my King.
Take my lips and let them be,
Filled with messages from Thee.
Take my will and make it Thine.
It shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own;
Let it be Thy royal throne.
Take myself; and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee. 

My hope today, boys and girls, is that that becomes your prayer. Because if it is and that’s the gift that you give back to Jesus and how you try to live your life, then May 20th 2017 isn’t just the day of your First Holy Communion; it’s not just one day in your life. It’s a day that has become a defining moment in your life. 
May 9th, 1964
The day I received my First Holy Communion.
Some things are so important to your life, you just never forget.