A Christmas Reflection
As we prepare to celebrate Jesus' coming once again at Christmas, it occurred to me, He comes to me - every day.
He comes in the warmth of a smile;
in the unexpected, but much needed kind word;
in the voice that offers encouragement, support or advice;
in the hug that embraces a broken heart or crushed spirit;
in the eyes that are beacons of love and compassion and mercy;
in the phone call or text message sent just because;
in the ear that listens and the shoulder that carries;
in the joke that gladdens the heart and the song that lifts the soul;
in the Word proclaimed and the Bread broken.
Jesus comes in all these guises because
He is peace,
He is joy,
He is love,
He is kindness,
He is compassion,
He is mercy,
He is selfless,
He is wisdom,
He is Savior,
He is Emmanuel, God with us . . . always with us.
Although many over the years have thanked me for being the voice that brought His Good News to them in a homily or composition, or the hand that placed His Body into theirs at Communion, this Christmas I recognize Him in you and I thank you for all the many ways you have blessed me and brought Him to me every day.
Merry Christmas! Blessed Christmas!