Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

20/20 in 2020
New Year’s Resolutions 
From the Guy Who Never Makes New Year’s Resolutions 

News Year’s Day 2020 . . . the beginning of a new year . . . the threshold of a new decade. I’ve never been one for making New Year’s Resolutions – for three reasons: first, I never keep them. Oh, I’ve tried. But by the next week I’ve gone off the diet, found the comfort of my easy chair more welcoming than the gym, decided watching television is a lot easier on the eyes than reading, and given into the busyness of my schedule at the expense of praying more. Second, being Catholic, resolutions for change and growth are something that we do (or should be doing) constantly. Every time I hear an inspiring homily or go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation I’m presented with an opportunity to turn over a new leaf, to change, to alter the pattern of my life, to be transformed, to become more the person God has created me to be. Third, I’m just not creative enough to think of something to do that’s unique, different, and challenging . . . and certainly not creative enough to think of unique, different, and challenging ways to accomplish them. 

But for some reason, this year, I’ve come up with a list . . . a “To Do” list, or perhaps, more accurately, a “To Be” list. Actually, it’s not a list . . . just one resolution: To have 20/20 in 2020. But oh the implication and application! 
  • To have 20/20 vision and be more aware of the presence of God AROUND ME. I will remember that I am always in the holy presence of God. That there are no (or at least very few) coincidences. That I have a Father in Heaven who loves me and truly desires to bless me.
  • To have 20/20 vision and be more aware of the presence of God WITHIN ME. I will recognize the good that’s in me, my strengths and virtues, and be less consumed with my faults, shortcomings, weaknesses and mistakes. “I am larger, better than I thought. I did not know I held so much goodness” (Walt Whitman). I will become more a person of humility, mercy and good cheer.
  • To have 20/20 vision and be more aware of the presence of God IN OTHERS. I will appreciate the gift that is other people and will see and celebrate the good that is within them – man, woman, child, saint or sinner.
  • To have 20/20 vision and focus more on the positive rather than the negative. I will refuse to allow the negativity of others, disappointments in my life, nor the presence of evil in the world influence my attitudes, disposition and decisions. God is in charge! He is a God of goodness!! And his will WILL BE DONE!!! 
  • To have 20/20 vision and appreciate what is good and beautiful in the world. I will take more notice of beauty, both in nature and in human nature. I will wake up and smell the roses in the world around me and the sweet aroma of holiness in those people around me. 
  • To have 20/20 vision and have sufficient personal insight and wisdom to not be swayed by the opinions of others. There are too many self-proclaimed “experts” in society. I will appreciate the sincere intelligence, common sense, life-experience, and advice of others. But, in the end, it is my life, my conscience, and my soul that I am answerable to God for. And I claim full responsibly. 
  • To have 20/20 vision and notice the opportunities to do good, to smile, to offer a compliment, to say a kind word, to affirm. I have it with my power to make someone’s day. And I will take full advantage of the 366 opportunities I have this year to do that. 
  • To have 20/20 vision and be more aware of the needs of others and respond to them. “The greatest in the kingdom is the one who serves” . . . “Just so, the Son of Man did not come BE served but TO serve.” “I have given you and example to follow, so that what I have done for you, you must also do.” IT’S ALL ABOUT SERVICE! 
  • To have 20/20 vision and stay away from situations, people and activities that have the potential to cause harm to my health (mental, physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual), my reputation, my soul. I will live the words I pray every day: “Lead us not into temptation” . . . “and I will avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.” 
  • To have 20/20 vision and be aware of the opportunities that come across my path daily to lead others to God - by what I do, by what I say, or simply by who I am. That is my vocation as a deacon. It is my vocation simply as a Christian. 
Well, there it is – my resolutions for 2020. But, as I reread them, maybe they are really the resolutions I make for the rest of my life. (Whew! I’m off the hook next New Year’s Day!)