Friday, December 24, 2021

The Promise



A Promise was given. 
A pledge was made.
Good news was spoken.
Sinful humanity would be saved.

It wasn’t a Promise made in anger,
with harsh words of guilt and condemnation,
but one in which hope, love and mercy
revealed the heart of the Promise Maker.

He didn’t reveal the where or the how or the when.
For God is more concerned with truth than with details.

And so, the Promise became the longing of the heart
for countless generations.
They recalled it, spoke of it, dreamed of it,
yearned for it, prayed for it.
Prophets clarified it.
Rabbis taught about it.
The Chosen Ones prepared for it.

God did not wait till the world was ready and nations were at peace.
He didn’t wait for the perfect time
when hearts were pure and untarnished by sin.
It didn’t happen when people thought it would . . .
thought it should.
God’s Promise came 
in God’s time,
in God’s way.

And that hoped for, longed for, prayed for moment
would be better than ever could be imagined!
God Himself would visit and ransom His People.
And he would rule over His People . . .
more than just the nation of Israel
but the whole world,
not with wealth, nor military might,
but with the power of love, compassion, gentleness and mercy.

And so, God sent His messenger to announce
that the time of fulfilment had arrived.
Not to Rome and to its mighty emperors;
Not to Jerusalem and to their power-hungry, paranoid king
did the message come.
But to an obscure Galilean village called Nazareth.
To a young, simple virgin named Mary.
The time was right.
The time was now.
The Word would become flesh and dwell among us!

He is Emmanuel – God-with-us.
Savior, Prince of Peace.
Not just a Promise Maker,
But a Promise Keeper.